"Go therefore and make disciples of all nationsbaptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded youAnd rememberI am with you alwaysto the end of the age."
- MATTHEW 28:19-20

Scroll down for everything YOUTH including ...
Youth Fellowship (YF) - 7th thru 12th
Weekday Bible Study - 6th thru 12th
Sunday School - 7th thru 12th
... events and more! Invite a friend!

Sunday School
10:00-10:50 AM

Students in 7th-12th grades will gather together in Room 201 for the first few minutes of the Sunday School Hour. From there, we split into three groups, 7th & 8th Grades, and 9th & 10th, and also 11th-12th grades to read and discuss scripture in community.

Sunday School is between the Traditional and Contemporary services, so it’s perfectly timed for whichever service you attend. If it’s your first time joining us, it’s a good opportunity to meet the youth team and be introduced to people who are in your grade.

Contact Kristen Tropeano if you have questions.

All Student Sunday School classes will start together in Room 201 before breaking-out into separate classrooms.



Although separate from our Student Ministry, we are thrilled to offer our newest Sunday School Class at Strawbridge UMC - The Waymakers - that furthers our commitment to be inclusive and accepting of everyone! This class will "make ways" to be a flexible and fun learning environment for people of all abilities and neurodiversity to be able to focus on learning more about God, making new friends, and assisting with some of the missions of the church.

The age range of this class is 11 years old through recent high school graduates. You can find The Waymakers in Room 101 during the Sunday School hour (10:00 - 11:00 am).

Please contact our class leader, Christine Biddle, for any further information. 


Youth Fellowship
Sundays 5:00-7:00 PM in the REC Center

Youth Fellowship is our weekly gathering where life and faith collide, as we seek to connect with God and one another. Each month, we will examine a different topic that affects our lives though fellowship, games, worship, and devotion. A typical evening of youth fellowship begins with youth led worship and devotion, followed by a game or activity and finishing up with snack supper.

All youth (7th-12th grade) are welcome and youth fellowship is a great place to bring friends as it is a relaxed atmosphere. We ask that you bring $3 for snack supper (except in the summer, or if it is your first time). If you have any questions please contact Kristen Tropeano.


Students PNG No Background (1)

Weekday Bible Study

6th-12th Grade Students: Youth Room 201

The Weekday Bible Study is an opportunity to to develop faith forming relationships, and explore issues that are directly affecting the lives of young people. This Study promotes accountability and is a safe place to be yourself.

Want to get involved? Contact Kristen Tropeano for more information.



Stay up-to-date on our website and social media pages so you don't miss out!


Sign up!

Many of our upcoming events, missions, and activities are available for Sign Up on our Student Ministry Linktree Page

Download medical release

In order to be eligible for any mission trips or off-site events, please download and complete our Strawbridge Student Ministry Medical Release Form.

Missions & camps

Our "Strawberries" have the opportunity to attend several mission trips and camps throughout the year! Check-out the Student Ministry Linktree Page for all the upcoming events, trips, and camps!

Resources & support

If you or your teen need ministerial assistance, please feel free to reach-out to Kristen Tropeano,  Director of Student Ministry, for private and confidential support.

Safe Sanctuary

We take your child(ren)'s safety very seriously at Strawbridge UMC. As outlined by our Safe Sanctuary Policy, all staff and volunteers in care of minors must complete our Safe Sanctuary training program and be background checked every 2 years. No exceptions. For further information or to sign-up for our next Safe Sanctuary training class, please contact Pastor Emily Bankston.