Angola Orphanage 303x166


Strawbridge UMC has pledged a covenant of support to the Sister Domingas and Friends Foundation of Luanda Angola which was founded by a group of individuals that were inspired by the incredible work that Sister Domingas accomplished and wanted to raise awareness about her work to ensure that funding remains available for these and other projects.

As a Covenant congregation, Strawbridge has agreed to provide a financial commitment to support the ministries of the Foundation and our volunteers assist in gathering materials (clothing, school supplies, etc.) and providing them to the orphanage.

Mission Leader: Kathy Ryan - Let her know if you're interested in learning more!

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Strawbridge UMC volunteers support the senior citizen's 3-H Community Center in the historically-disenfranchised community of Bordersville located in the shadows of an unincorporated area of Humble. Our volunteers prepare and serve lunch to the participants at the Center and provide fellowship through games like Bingo and participating in sing-alongs. Strawbridge volunteers typically visit the Bordersville 3-H Community Center on the second Thursday of every month.

Mission Leader: Laurie Jones - Let her know if you're interested in learning more!

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"Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, 'Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?' And I said, 'Here am I. Send me!'"
- Isaiah 6:8

In partnership with the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) and other local churches, Strawbridge is initiating a new disaster response/relief team to serve the area when life's storms lead to suffering.

Mission Leader: Mark Taylor - Let him know if you're interested in learning more!

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EGE Blessing Bags

Blessing Bags are part of our partnership with Elm Grove Elementary. Many of the students spend time alone after school and need food that they can fix themselves. These bags also help the students have some extra items on the weekend. Our Strawbridge volunteers pack the bags one Thursday a month at the school.  We'd love for you to come join us!

Mission Leader: Pastor Emily Bankston - Let her know if you're interested in learning more!

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We have a long-standing, loving partnership with our friends at Elm Grove Elementary (EGE). One of the ways we support EGE is through our Readers program.

Our EGE Readers volunteer weekly and read aloud to the children and encourage them to share in our volunteer's enthusiasm for books, learning and imagination.

The Reader mentor is a positive role model that provides consistent weekly attention to the students. All EGE Readers must be Safe Sanctuary certified.

If you are interested in volunteering for this ministry, please contact Pastor Emily Bankston - Let her know if you're interested in learning more!

Family Promise


Strawbridge UMC is a host church for Family Promise of Lake Houston, a local non-profit created to help homeless families bridge misfortune and regain self-sufficiency.

Four times each year, Strawbridge welcomes up to three families for a one-week period, providing overnight accommodations, preparing dinner each evening, plus providing grocery and gas gift cards to support the family(ies) for the week. Just as important as supplying basic needs is the love, hope, and guidance which church volunteers provide to these families as they get back on their feet.

Our upcoming Host Weeks are:
Nov. 24 - Dec. 1, 2024 - Registration to Come

For FPLH-based volunteer training, please click here.

Mission Leaders: Carla Hopkins and Rebecca Shepherd. Please let them know if you're interested in learning more!

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Feed My Lambs is a lunch delivery ministry serving our local neighbors in-need.

We meet at Strawbridge UMC on the third Thursday of every month at 10:15 am in The Great Hall and Main Kitchen to prepare and bag approximately 100 healthy lunches and immediately deliver them to families at the White Oak Apartments which is located only four miles from our church doors. We are typically done with deliveries by 11:30 am.

This mission ministry truly steps into our desire to not only be the best church in the community, but to be the best church for the community. We’d love to have you join us. Volunteers are always welcome and you can contact Natalie Whitley with any further questions or information. Let her know if you're interested in learning more!

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Why donate blood? While 1 in 7 hospitalized people will need a blood transfusion in a lifetime, only 1 in 20 eligible blood donors actually donate.  There is no substitute for blood - your donation saves lives. We have blood drives throughout the year at SUMC.

Our next Mobile Blood Drive will take place on Sunday, December 1. Sign-up for your appointment slot here.

Mission Leader: Skip Richardson - Let him know if you're interested in learning more!

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Today more than ever we are seeing a need for a helping hand in various capacities. Strawbridge provides the "handyman"/"handywoman" power from within and outside our congregation to help those in and around the NE Houston community with varying types of projects.

Ranging from installing a ceiling fan, replacing a toilet, building a wheelchair ramp, or building part of a fence that has fallen, each project has been sent to us with hopes that we can help a family who may not have the support they need to do it themselves. We'd be thrilled if you could join us as the more volunteers we have (no matter how old but must be at least 18 years of age) then the easier it is to give a helping hand.

Join us in a fun, educational, spiritual AND a big help to those in need. Tools and funding for supplies are provided by donations and our church. No handyman/woman experience necessary.

Mission Leader: Bill Chenault - Let him know if you're interested in learning more!

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HAAM is an interfaith ministry which temporarily satisfies the basic needs of those in financial crisis, while providing assistance toward self-sufficiency. Strawbridge, a covenant partner with HAAM, provides financial support and in-kind donations through food drives and various seasonal collections.

Mission Leader: Jeff Deerhake - Let him know if you're interested in learning more!

Interfaith Quilters 303x166


Strawbridge Interfaith Quilters was formed in 2001. Initially, it was to represent Strawbridge UMC at the annual Interfaith Quilting Bee held at the Mormon church. But we have grown into so much more!

We have members that do not sew or quilt, but can run an iron or scissors with great skill. Anyone with a helping heart is welcome to join us. Our quilts are used to wrap anyone who needs to be warmed physically, spiritually, and emotionally. We pray over them as we are working and then have them blessed by Strawbridge UMC clergy.

Some of our recipients have been SUMC Habitat for Humanity homeowners, Family Promise of Lake Houston, Mission Northeast, Family Time, Shriners Burn Hospital, Dell Children's Hospital, Village Learning Center, Mothers Against Cancer, a breast cancer golf tournament, an orphanage in Angola, cancer patients, Alzheimer and memory care patients, and Elm Grove Elementary School.

We have a lot of fun, fellowship, and faith. If you feel called to join us, we would love to have you!

Our next Work Day is set for Wednesday, August 21 in The Great Hall from 10:00 am until 2:00 pm. Lunch will be provided. New participants are ALWAYS welcome to join us!

Mission Leader: Kathy Ryan - Let her know if you're interested in learning more!

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J’s House serves our community to bring love, healing, and family to children in Texas foster care. J’s House will serve as a 24-hour group home providing critical stabilization and treatment services to children who have experienced intense emotional trauma.

They are opening their first home in the Kingwood area providing care for up to 8 boys between the ages 8- and 12-years-old. Learn more about J's House here: www.jshouse.org.

Mission Leader: Adam Pieknik - Let him know if you're interested in learning more!

Kairos Prison Ministry 303x166


Have you been looking for an opportunity to do crucial, life-affirming mission work within our community? Join us on a Kairos Prison Ministry Weekend at the Hightower Unit in Dayton where we will share the love of Christ inside the prison walls.

Kairos is a Christian, faith-based ministry which addresses the spiritual needs of incarcerated men, women, youth, and their families. By sharing the love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ, Kairos hopes to change hearts, transform lives and impact the world. As a ministry, Kairos embraces a diverse group of volunteers working together to fulfill Christ's call to action in Matthew 25:36.

Mission Leader: Gary Buchler - Let him know if you're interested in learning more!

You can also learn more about the Kairos of Texas - Hightower Unit prison ministry here.

Living Water International

Living Water International exists to demonstrate the love of God by helping communities acquire desperately needed clean water, and to experience “living water” - the gospel of Jesus Christ - which alone satisfies the deepest thirst.

They build thriving communities by linking arms with individuals, church congregations, and communities to end the global water crisis by cultivating sustainable water access, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) programs. As followers of Jesus, our concern is for the whole person - physical and spiritual. Through ongoing Christian witness, they know that only Jesus can truly transform people, restore relationships, and heal factors that lead to poverty, hunger, and thirst in our world.

Mission Leader:  Melanie Johnston - Let her know if you're interested in learning more!

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Mission Northeast is a faith-based social services non-profit that was established in 1995. They provide free programs and services to individuals and families living at or below the poverty line – or are experiencing temporary need for assistance due to life-changing circumstances. They fill an important role in 3 counties, covering 11 zip codes. Their funding and support comes from the community. They do not apply for Federal funding and do not operate a retail business.

Their programs/services include, but are not limited to: food, clothing, and household items; adult education and job training, primarily through Lone Star College; on-site English Second Language (ESL) courses; morning chapel services; care partners; financial assistance (for elderly/disabled) for utilities, rent, and prescriptions; Thanksgiving meals; Christmas food and gifts; disaster distribution site; many other programs that promote a healthier, safer, better quality of life for people in need; referrals to other assistance programs. They are the original site (2002) for Feed My Lambs (see above) and their kitchen space is available for current participants.

Mission Leader: Donna Zimmer - Let her know if you're interested in learning more!

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Isaiah 40:31 "But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength they will soar on wings like eagles, they will run and not be weary, they will walk and not be faint"

Our vision is to reach into the community and to impact the lives of women at any stage of breast cancer.  We, as breast cancer survivors, have been through the same situations, or something very similar, and we are here to help them. We understand that the minute they are diagnosed with breast cancer they become a member of a club that they didn’t ask to join or want to be involved in.  They can be and are often overwhelmed with the challenging diagnosis.  Our goal is to help others understand that there is HOPE, and they can possess healing that transforms their lives for a more fulfilling and better future.

Through support group meetings we will discuss:

  • Emotional & spiritual support
  • Relationships
  • Nutrition and exercise

Women of all ethnicities diagnosed with breast cancer are welcome; especially, those who desire to live a more healthy and spiritual life through the belief that God is working in and through us.

We meet at 1:00 pm on the third Tuesday of each month in The Great Hall.

Mission Leader: Sue Schreiner - Let her know if you're interested in learning more!
Rise Against Hunger 303x166


Rise Against Hunger is growing a global movement to end hunger by empowering communities, nourishing lives and responding to emergencies. There are many ways to help and Strawbridge takes part in meal packing each year. Visit their website for global information

Our next meal packing date will be Sunday, November 3, 2024 from 2:00 to 5:00 pm at Elm Grove Elementary School and you can register here.

Contact Pastor Emily Bankston to see how you can help at SUMC or let her know if you're interested in learning more via our Missions Ministries Volunteer Form.